
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Winter Birthday Card



Greetings friends. I am sharing a card I am posting tomorrow on the Memory Box blog. I wanted to  make a birthday card for everyone out there that has a winter birthday. I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I happen to be a winter birthday girl myself.

I also wanted to share how wonderful backgrounds can be when they are created with rub-ons. I often use rub-ons on top of acetate, vellum, or other tricky surfaces. However, they also look great on top of cardstock. I love that you can get a strong opaque look with crisp details when using rub-ons. I struggle to get the same look with white ink and I often get stray powder marks when embossing. Here is a close up of the Snowflake rub-ons on top of deep turquoise cardstock:

Of course, I also needed something to fill in the bottom of the card. I cut out the A-Frame House using paper from plaid patterned paper that I thought worked well with the deep turquoise backdrop.

For accents, I used some dark green pine trees and a black happy birthday tab. To decorate the house, I used the wreath that comes in the A-Frame die set and added white rhinestones fit more with a winter theme than a Christmas theme. As a final step, I added some Faux Snow by Art Glitter at the base of the house.

Happy birthday to all of the other winter birthdays!


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